19 April 2008

Get Updated With Flashmagazine on Twitter

I do enjoy my life by Twitter. It's a micro-blogging platform that let's you stay in touch with your friends and colleagues. And it is true, you can keep update what your friend doing recently.

And now I also can read Flashmagazine, my favourite website through it. Thanks to Flashmagazine that allow reader like me to see any new information. You can check this URL : http://twitter.com/flashmagazine.

Mine, http://twitter.com/edittag, now following many interesting twitter's account. Yesterday, mybloglog also follow me story via my twitter. What a nice to know each other through it.

PPL IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Jika ditanya apa yang kau suka dari kehadiran mereka? Mereka punya jawabannya : semangat yang tinggi dengan keingintahuan yang tipikal mahas...