14 March 2006

Optimization Tips and Tricks for Flash Lite 2

Great tips from Jonathan Duran, Macromedia Developer Support Manager for Mobile and Devices, to optimize file for Flash Lite 2.

Monitoring and Managing Memory on the Device

  • Use size reports to manage SWF file size
  • FSCommand2(“GetTotalPlayerMemory”)
  • FSCommand2(“GetFreePlayerMemory”)

Optimizing Assets

  • Avoid complex vectors with too many curves and points.
  • Attempt to use primitive vectors including circles, squares, and lines.
  • Experiment converting vectors to JPEGs and test how this affects performance.
  • Wherever possible use JPEGs optimized for smaller file size in an external editor such as Photoshop or Fireworks and save for the appropriate bit depth.
  • Use PNGs if bitmap transparency is required and cannot be faked by using masked JPEGs or JPEGs merged with the background.
  • When using transparent PNGs insure that they do not overlap (including the transparent areas). Rendering transparency through another transparency will exponentially burden the processor.
  • Experiment converting JPEGs to vectors (via Trace Bitmap command in Flash) and test how this affects performance.

On Framerates

  • Most supported handsets will playback Flash at 12-15 frames per second(fps)
    • Low-end = 6-12 fps
    • Average = 12-15 fps
    • High-end = 15+ fps
  • During development limit the framerate to resemble playback speed on target handset to test responsiveness and speed of animation in low fps situations
  • Set the framerate to at least 20 fps when publishing final file to avoid artificially limiting performance should the handset be capable of higher framerate

Animation Performance

  • Transparency and gradients are processor intensive tasks and should be used sparingly. Experiment with faking transparency using JPEGs, masks, and gradients.
  • Adjusting the render quality
    • You can control this during playback to improve performance
    • fscommand2("SetQuality", "low");
    • fscommand2("SetQuality", "high");
  • It is important to remember that with a typical mobile UI, without a stylus, the user’s eye can usually only follow one thing at a time.
  • Make the area of focus well designed and animated, then reduce animation and effects in other areas of the screen.
  • Pause passive background animation (i.e. subtle background effects) during transitions.
  • Content performance will be directly affected by percentage of the screen being updated simultaneously. Avoid designs that rely on frequent full-screen refreshes.
  • Avoid tweening too many items simultaneously. Reduce the number of tweens and/or sequence animation so that one begins when another ends.
  • Test adding/removing animated elements to weigh their impact on performance.
  • Use easing wisely. On slower hardware it can create an “appearance” of lag.

Code Performance

  • Timeline
    • Use frame-based loops sparingly
    • Stop frame-based loops as soon as they are not needed
    • Where possible, distribute complex blocks of code across more than one frame
  • ActionScript
    • Use scripted animation sparingly
    • Avoid array emulation
    • Avoid doing string manipulation
  • Scripts with hundreds of lines of code will be just as processor intensive as timelines with hundred of frames of tweens
  • Evaluate content to determine whether animation/interaction can be easily achieved with the timeline, or simplified and made modular using ActionScript
  • Use frame calls to make ActionScript calls only as needed and avoid too many looping “if” statement movie clips that do not terminate

PPL IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

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